Originally published on Yours.org on June 21, 2018.

80 of #100DaysofSatoshiDoodles

Why do I have a problem with the recommendation that “The best thing to do is simply to HODL”? In other news, Lightning Network will be ready in 18 months…

Because, if you are only HODLing (the meaning of which has been perverted from not panic selling to never using?) and not using Bitcoin (BTC or BCH), you will not have the full amount of information to judge the utility, usability or user experience of either post-fork branch of Bitcoin.

I’d bet that the Magical Crypto Friends are still hanging onto some of their Aug.1 fork “bcash” as insurance against being totally rekt. But they are not encouraging their bleating followers to do the same. Even Jimmy Song admitted in a recent interview that he was still holding some Bitcoin Cash (framing it in such a way that he had not quite managed to get rid of it yet). If this is the case, they are unloading the risk of an undiversified position onto their (blind?) followers.