Originally published on Yours.org on June 25, 2018.

84 of #100DaysofSatoshiDoodles

Don’t forget to stake your tomatoes! Today I took time to do some “normal people things”, like installing supports for the container tomato plants (plus pinching the suckers) and a row of pole beans. These things should have been done at the time of planting, but better late than never.

My kids are happy when they see me puttering out in the garden (away from the drawing table and my laptop). The oxygen is better out there.

I am a more effective advocate for BCH when I’m well rested, getting a good daily dose of oxygen, and eating a wider variety of foods than pizza (and coffee). How about you?

edit: Obviously I was tired when this was posted because the word “some” was used three times in one sentence! So, edited for that.