Originally published on Yours.org on June 6, 2018.

65 of #100DaysofSatoshiDoodles.

There’s a lot of intentional confusion from the Bitcoin Core camp around the terminology of nodes in Bitcoin. “Full nodes”, mining nodes, etc. If you like a bit of light reading, here is some clarity on the matter of taxonomy from the blog of Joannes Vermorel. (tip: Don’t skip the notes! I won’t pretend to understand this whole paper, but am in the process of reading it multiple times.)

There is also talk of being a second-class citizen in the Bitcoin Core world if you are not “running your own node”. This is part of the story that you must: “Don’t Trust. Verify.” Luckily I have no aspirations of running my own BCH node. Thanks, miners!

p.s. In Wall Street lingo, pigs get slaughtered, one of those things I’ve only learned in the last year.

p.p.s. And another take on Animal Farm (article by Derek Magill) as applicable to Bitcoin, if you’ve not already read it.