Originally published on Yours.org on September 4, 2018.

Tinfoil hat time!

Did you really think that TPTB (“the powers that be”) would be happy for Bitcoin to usurp the fiat monies of the world?

Of course there are many infiltrators, some of whom have been part of the “Bitcoin community” for years.

I suspect: almost everybody! (Ok, perhaps this is ridiculous, but I have not met many of you in real life. And even if we had met, how would I know anyways???)

Moles could be pseudonymous or using real names. They could be new, enthusiastic “community members” or oldtime Bitcoiners. They will appear to be like a friend.

Sometimes I wonder whether people who are making a lot of noise on discussion forums and social media are:

a) passionate

b) nefarious

c) not self-aware

d) one or more of the above

In any case, it’s a gong show out there. Eternal vigilance.