This will the be the last set of furry and feathered friends doodles for a while.
I am not pivoting to be a pet portrait artist/sketcher.
The #fureversv collection was based on a Twetch community member’s request/suggestion (@729). I am always open to suggestions but it’s not guaranteed that your suggestion will be drawn!
[Side note: The pet doodles are a set of three. Things seem to go in sets of 3, 5, … Also, I’ve found that batching tasks with the following strategy AAABBBCCC works better than doing ABCABCABC, with task A, task B, and task C.]
There are SO MANY doodles to-do on my list. BSV-land is exploding with experiments and innovation in a good way. Some of them were unfortunate enough to be buried in the sticky note graveyard (*cough* Agora – feeling some pressure to make this one particularly special) and some of them are projects/apps/businesses that I either haven’t had a chance to check out, or do not understand their purpose, functionality or reason for being (yet). Or they are jotted down in random spiral notebook pages that need to be unearthed again.
Currently contemplating doing a 100 day project, starting today and ending on Christmas.
I’ve got dozens of calendars (stacks and stacks) to sell, and creating interesting content consistently turns out to be the best marketing for anything!
p.s. If you are a company building on BSV and would like to order some Satoshi Doodles 2021 Calendars, they could be a great idea for employee Xmas/thank you gifts. Pricing per calendar is 10 USD for orders of 10 or more, plus shipping. (Regular pricing = 12.95 USD).
Please email satoshidoodles@protonmail.com to enquire.
ORDER EARLY to avoid disappointment! (Quantities are limited and shipping times can be bit hairy these days.)