Sometimes it takes a really long time to get into the mindspace to get down to work and draw a positive doodle. This is not to say that people shouldn’t speak their mind on important issues or share disturbing but relevant information.

These are some basic self care strategies which help me to detoxify from the combative culture of social media and not get triggered:

-brisk walk (45 minutes +), bonus points for forest or beach setting, but usually I am just walking the neighbourhood or your preferred exercise

-nap (20 minutes-ish, not too long!)



-spend time with a friend (more rare these days as it turns out when your friends are busy moms you must schedule coffee chats weeks in advance)

-spend time with immediate and extended family doing non-Bitcoiny things that normal people do

-garden (even for ten minutes, puttering, pulling weeds, looking at bugs and plants)

-make something that results in a finished object (e.g. knit)

-music (practicing something new on the piano)

-listen to uplifting podcasts (I like Impact Theory by Tom Bilyeu). I caught this episode earlier in the week while walking in the pouring rain.

Coincidentally the topic of mental health and wellness was the subject of an article I came across this week via Faiā, “The Solution to Mindfulness is in Tech?” The title caught my attention because I am skeptical that tech solutions could be as or more effective than old-school methods listed above. Nevertheless it was an interesting read on a current pain point in our society:

It’s not just about taking care of yourself when you are mentally ill but taking care of yourself on an everyday basis so as to nourish your mental health with positivity, self-love, and self-care.

If you don’t put on your own oxygen mask first you can’t help other people you care about.