Originally posted on Yours.org on July 7, 2018.

96 of #100DaysofSatoshiDoodles

…can be tricky.Regarding the question of which of BTC or BCH is “the real Bitcoin”, who has the most relevant information?

  • someone who holds BTC as a “store of value” but does not transact with it regularly
  • someone who holds BCH and transacts with it regularly (0 conf.)
  • someone who holds BTC and BCH but does not transact with either regularly
  • someone who holds BTC and BCH and transacts with both regularly (experiencing a range of fees)
  • someone who holds BTC and BCH and transacts with both regularly AND has tried to use the Lightning Network (#reckless)

Some vocal BTC-proponents confidently assert that the market has already decided BTC is obviously Bitcoin (due to current hash rate allocation and its legacy ticker symbol). Let’s wait and see*. As others (cough — Jihan — cough) have indicated, the hash rate situation will likely shift towards BCH at some point in the future.

*and build useful stuff in the meantime — this is the secret part of the wait and see strategy!