Originally published on Yours.org on June 15, 2018.

74 of #100DaysofSatoshiDoodles

Being weird is not a prerequisite for being involved with Bitcoin, but it does help. Weirdness is not about wearing a cowboy hat or feather boa. At least, not being opposed to various manifestations of weirdness is a sign of having an open mind.

On a sliding scale of good weird to bad weird (or smart weird to dumb weird), only your discerning taste level will help you to interpret items on the spectrum.

The subjectively bad taste and maturity levels recently on display at satoshis.place, a graffiti board web app for the fledgling Lightning Network, is a case in point. This week I learned about a thing called goatse and am not a better person for it. Thankfully, some people managed to get the abstract of the Bitcoin white paper up there to balance out some of the penis graffiti.

Kids are pretty open to weirdness in general. They are also paradoxically open to learning and stupidity. Check out the average viral nonsense with millions of YouTube views in contrast to some valuable (in my humble opinion) BCH-related content with a hundred or maybe a thousand views. Not sure what that means for the future of Bitcoin.

Here are a few of my favourite examples of “good weird” in Bitcoin (and I may have already linked these in previous posts, but sometimes things are worth re-reading or re-watching, or sharing with others):

A weirder definition of Bitcoin, blog of Joannes Vermorel

Youtube channel of Daniel Krawisz (cofounder of Nakamoto Institute and “Emperor of Bitcoin”)

Youtube channel of Christina Storey (a.k.a. Bitcoin Anthropologist)

“Official Statement” from Rick Falvinge (“Chief Executive Officer of Bitcoin Cash”)Music videos by Naomi Brockwell

#Initial Jeepney Offering (and Mani the #BCH Monkey, who is having a bit of trouble gaining traction but I love him anyways).

Do we just need to balance the weirdness and inspiration with the tactics of generals (like the ones who direct armies), marketing mavens, and pragmatic do-ers and realists to bring Bitcoin Cash to the masses in the next several years?