Originally published on Yours.org on October 12, 2018.

I found this sketched out from a few weeks (or months?) ago and decided to finish colouring it, despite the repetitive and increasing public acknowledgement of this situation. (If you see a mini Freddie Mercury, yes, I’ve been listening to a lot of Queen lately.) There’s even a “banned from r/bitcoin” shirt.

The moderators of r/bitcoin and their apologists continue to maintain that it’s just “heavily moderated” and try to equate their censored bubble with the free speech philosophy of the r/btc forum (e.g. “they’re both equally as bad”).

Asking questions is part of the broad spectrum of critical thinking, especially higher-order thinking skills. Eliminating the ability to compare, contrast, critique, debate, justify, reflect, etc. … has led to this sad state of affairs, a formerly vibrant and informative Bitcoin discussion platform that is now full of selective propaganda and memes (= the r/bitcoin subreddit). Navigating r/btc also requires critical thinking, due to the prevalent astroturfing in crypto forums. This is not surprising due to the mission and level of world-changing that is desired by proponents of Bitcoin Cash.