Originally published on Yours.org on June 7, 2018.

66 of #100DaysofSatoshiDoodles

Today’s drawing is a gardening analogy. Because as you know, Satoshi Doodles is all about analogies (which won’t work all of the time, but that’s how my brain tries to interpret the world).

Before you try to grow stuff, it’s helpful to check the soil conditions. Amend the soil as needed before you plant. It’s not just about the seeds or plants, it’s about the growing medium and growing conditions. Seedlings that love full sun don’t do as well in shady areas and vice versa. If you know what was previously planted in the same spot, along with the corresponding problems/diseases, that is also useful information.

Where are there problems to be solved by a better money for everyone? What kinds of relationships and infrastructure need to be nurtured to help acclimate the honey badger of money? What products and businesses are targeted at the most urgent use cases?

Where will BCH grow?