Originally published on Yours.org on May 25, 2018.
53 of #100DaysofSatoshiDoodles
Please evaluate your sources carefully.
Case in point, this article (‘Cryptocurrency Is Not Just A Boys’ Club’) published by Glamour Magazine *cough*. I decided to read it out of general interest (based on the clickbait-y title) and just about choked in disbelief when I read the second to last paragraph (end of Chapter 9):
“What I love about this community is it’s not astro-turfed and corporate. You really have this passionate grassroots community of people that just love this stuff,” says Stark.
Seriously, would anyone who has spent any amount of time in crypto-reddit or crypto-Twitter describe a purely organic, grassroots movement free from the influence of astro-turfers, maliciously-designed bots, Wikipedia vandals, or corporate interests?