It’s time for a frank talk, if anyone is listening.
BItcoin consumer apps are not exactly out of the woods yet. They are technically usable but can be quite “challenging” for the average Alice (or power user of BSV).
The fact that micropayments (and subcent fees) are working is great. But the user experience is in the innovation/early adopters stage, so you gotta be prepared for some hiccups.
So… I’ve been having problems with logging into Twetch with RelayX wallet on mobile. For some reason, maybe something to do with ports, I can’t even open my RelayX wallet without turning off wifi at home. Only when using data, can I open the wallet and log into Twetch with Relay, but it’s a process that takes quite a few clicks/steps. This is a PITA. It’s a workaround that was suggested by customer support (via texting) in the Relay wallet, which was somewhat helpful but ultimately an unsatisfactory solution for the long term. I don’t know if I’m the only one who has this particular problem. Consequently, I’m not likely to hop onto Twetch while using my phone lately.
Due to the aforementioned issue, I have been using MoneyButton for Twetch mainly. But, it’s very slow! Possibly I must consolidate some UTXOs (unspent transaction outputs??). How is a user supposed to know when it’s time to do this? The context here is that I’m the kind of computer user who habitually delays and snoozes updates until it’s absolutely no longer possible to avoid. Are these technical housekeeping things important? My teenage son cannot even believe the state of my desktop at times. Also, so many tabs open??!! (“Mom, you should close some of those tabs.”)
I tried to log into Dot Wallet earlier this week, which was announced as a new way to log into Twetch. I’m usually pretty good with keeping track of wallet passwords but… so far cannot log in with either phone number or email. Got some messages like “invalid account”, etc. What to do?
Hooray for HandCash and Centbee wallets. I was able to restore them (from seed words) all by myself, due to the user friendly prompts.
Unfortunately, I cannot thus far figure out how to restore the Simply Cash wallet. There is a create/recover wallet option but phrases such as:
-“mnemonics/xprv/xpub/Dice[106]” and
-“m/44’/145/0′” and
-“BIP39 passphrase” are very confusing.
So those are a few challenging and unresolved things. You have to be pretty determined to persist and navigate what sometimes feels like an obstacle course.
If it was not for Bitcoin SV, I would probably be leaning towards the concept of “Digital Minimalism”.