This little ghost is cuter than Casper. It’s castr.fm!
There is an FAQ that explains the basics. And a fun, identifiable logo. These things are really helpful because they give the doodle artist something to work with.
Initially when this app was launched I was unable to open it because something on our home network was blocking it. “Secure connection failed” error. (The specific information has been forwarded to the app developer @cyphergato and maybe a whitelist request is in process.) Anyways, I can currently open the app only when using data on my phone, but not via wifi at home.
Today I listened to several of the podcast episodes that have been uploaded to the blockchain thus far. The user experience is easy because there are more icons than words, which means that the navigation is intuitive and non-taxing on the brain. I like the look of this app, i.e. it looks like what you’d expect a consumer app to look like.
You can tip with claps (one clap = one cent) via Money Button. It takes a couple of steps to tip the creator: one to summon a button (it took about four seconds each time for the button to appear) and then the second step is to swipe (the processing took 10+ seconds which seems quite long).
I hope to see more content on castr.fm and watch it grow.