Originally published on Yours.org on September 6, 2018.
Mom lecture/rant incoming.
Today’s doodle is brought to you by the daily gong show of the “BCH gang” on Twitter (and I can’t comment on Slack/Telegram chats because I’ll stay away from those with a ten foot pole).
Preface: I’ve been listening to my children bickering with each other, especially towards the end of the long, hot summer, so am aware that my patience is wearing thin. I expect that’s what pre-teenage siblings do as they learn how to get along with other humans.
So here is the tweet I didn’t send this afternoon, Sept. 6th, 2018 at 1:40 p.m. local time:
Omg, you guys. This is embarrassing. Like dirty socks all over my Twitter feed. Possibly more irritating than listening to my own kids fight. I call a “timeout” for everybody (you too, @r0bbot!), not as a punishment but as a breather. Go take a hike/walk and cool it.
I decided to cut and paste it into a word document for posterity because that action felt like a more rational choice than interrupting a Twitter thread by hitting “reply” (and then proceeding to get flooded with endless Twitter @replies for the next several hours).
Why are so many public fights being instigated and perpetuated in the Bitcoin Cash “community”?
At this point I’m pondering whether the fighting participants are purposely making people who support Bitcoin Cash look like idiots, and/or are extremely stressed out and/or bored??? Do we lack that amount of self awareness and maturity? Am I just old (or old-fashioned) and don’t understand the purpose of the crypto-Twittersphere?
There are not so many of us, the people who support Bitcoin Cash and a vision of global, uncensorable p2p electronic cash for everyone.
Whether you signed up for the role or not, we are unofficial ambassadors and leaders of a movement/revolution. And, adults. Outsiders looking in will decide whether or not to get involved (i.e. apply positive energy towards a common goal) based on what they see on social media. If these lurkers see a bunch of barking BCHers and dirty laundry/socks hanging everywhere, we will not attract more high calibre participants to push this thing along AGAINST ALL ODDS.
I have a tiny amount of hope that profit motive is reason enough for serious businesses to consider integrating Bitcoin Cash into their plans. Public relations-wise, as long as BCHers are behaving like bickering children, the optics are not attractive for outsiders.
Can we please raise the bar? Geez.
In case you missed it, this is what initially convinced me to jump in with both feet: “Letter from the CEO” (Just in case, I’ll reaffirm that there is actually no CEO of Bitcoin Cash. It’s a tongue-in-cheek proclamation.)