Originally published on Yours.org on July 23, 2018.
It seems that the rebels of the BCH Rebel Alliance, having forked away from the Imperial Core Cargo Cult, are currently demonstrating some negative cat-like traits: neuroticism (insecure), extraversion (aimless), dominance (aggressive), impulsiveness (jumpy or reckless), compatibility (nervous or aggressive). Some are being accused of behaving like sheep (or cult members). The growing pains of a decentralized system and community are flaring up on Twitter. Would it be helpful to distribute some pretty Japanese fans for everyone?
We have moved on from bike-shedding about logo tilts and colours to discussing the evilness or reality of patents, cult membership, “pre-consensus”, the roles and power of devs and miners, and their effects on protocol-level issues for Bitcoin Cash. In other news:
Long term, the stakes are high. When you’re trying to obsolete the national fiat currencies and major payment processors of the world with a new form of money, it’s not exactly a playground game.The good news is the ongoing discussion and different points of view. Warning: some borrowed charts ahead, because visuals help.The bad news is the low trust level amongst BCH proponents and the precious time + energy going towards conflict propagation (left side) instead of building and adoption:
Also seeing too much of the top left (and a bit of the bottom right) quadrant below:

We want Bitcoin Cash to be positioned in the top right quadrant below. Not in the unfocused (bottom left) or badly executed (bottom right):

(Aside: Is BTC sort of positioned in the top left quadrant?)