24 hours is a long time to stream!
The InTheBox LIVE YouTube Channel (<— SUBSCRIBE here or find them at u/7963 on Twetch) is hosted by:
Andres (u/1325),
“AnimalVision” (u/6695),
“DookieLove” (u/??? – why can I not find you?)
and also “Froghunter $ Thompson” (u/1673) when he is not off meditating or something.
These guys are the welcome wagon for new people to the Twetch community, and informal flag bearers for the “Bright Gang”. Basically, they spread positive vibes and help to highlight what’s going on in the Twetch community from BSV stuff to anything cool that’s of general interest which may have been overlooked from the “latest” tab.
I only managed to catch a small snippet of the May 11 “BTC halving” livestream/vibestream, around the time Kurt Wuckert, Jr. and Joshua Henslee were signing off and when we were treated to AnimalVision’s drumming lesson/heartfelt talk about energies, which was my favourite part (even though I missed most of the other 23.5 hours).
p.s. When it comes to spreading positive energies, I believe AnimalVision was referring to any instrument of creativity, not just musical instruments.
The following quote comes to mind:
“Find out who you are and do it on purpose.”
-Dolly Parton